January 22-23 Birthday Party Noise

I want to apologize to my neighbors for the noise on Saturday night. This week I plan to visit your houses and apologize in person. I am posting this website for those who are not home when I stop by.

The party Saturday was my birthday party - attended by me and my friends. I was responsible for the music and lights, and I let things get out of hand. I was inconsiderate and I'm sorry. (I received a citation from the police for the loud music.)

Prior to the visit from the police on Saturday night, we've had no direct communication with any neighbors or any law enforcement about the issue of sound on our property.

My partner (Susan) and I have lived full time on our property for almost two years. We've had two parties, one this past Saturday and one last June. Both were birthday parties, not public events. We didn't receive any feedback from neighbors about the party in June, and so we wrongly made the assumption that we had properly handled the sound. We are not running a commercial venue and we own the sound equipment we used on Saturday. We understand now that the speakers we use to listen to music in our backyard (while we work, bbq, or hang out) has affected our neighbors. Prior to this week, no one has ever alerted this to us.

We are prepared to do what it takes to make repairs. But we can't fix a problem if we don't even know the problem exists. What we hope for moving forward is that we know all our neighbors and they know us, so that they can contact us if we are being too loud. We promise to listen and to take action to make it right, but we can't do that without knowing what the problem is. We'd like to solve this together.

I hope you will answer your door when I stop by to give you an apology in person.

-Brian (& Susan)